iTunes 9

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today was a big day for Apple.

iTunes 9 was announced today at this year's annual music event from Apple. I was an iTunes user since last year after i have bought my first ever 4GB iPod Nano 4th generation with a great price (RM 200). I have downloaded and installed iTunes 9 64bit for Windows in my laptop just now. The installer is about 90MB which takes me about 15 minutes to download with average speed 113KBps.

The installation of iTunes 9 also just as simple as other software. Just keep on clicking next, yes and end with Finish button.

This was iTunes 8:

And this is the latest iTunes 9:

It is not hard to find that the most noticeably change in the latest version of iTunes for Windows is the background color. From previous gray black background to now white background that allow users more focus on the content.

The iTunes 9 also now offers Home Sharing. This new feature will let you share purchased songs across a home network. As long as all the computers on the network are on the same iTunes account, you can drag to copy songs to other computers.

iTunes 9 has been cleaned up for easier navigation, redesigned with a new layout and a new black tabbed-menu system across the top of the iTunes Store interface. These new tabs replace the old left-side navigation to choose between categories like music, apps, movies, and podcasts. The layout for new content in the iTunes Store has been improved as well, with more browsable content in every category.

Overall the new version of iTunes is quite a big improvement. I may think of buy a Mac if i have the budget. For now, enjoy iTunes 9 on my DV4 ^^

Gallery: (from CNET
The new iTunes, version 9, has an improved overall look that is a bit cleaner and more polished. It's also supposed to be easier to navigate, and it does seem simpler. Here is the main store screen.

Same goes for album pages, which feature a wallpaper design that gives it a more seamless look. They're much prettier than in version 8.

Another nice touch is that the movies that you rent or purchase through iTunes now behave more like DVDs.

Download: iTunes 9


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